With increasing regulations that demand the transparency of your product supply chains and sustainability becoming integral to business operations, having a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is crucial to your business and plays a key role in elevating your organisation’s image and value. With LCA training, your organisation will be better equipped to assess the potential environmental impacts of products during their entire life cycles according to ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards.

Key benefits of LCA training

  1. Make informed decisions throughout the entire life cycle of your products and enhance value of your products 
  2. Enhance efficiency and resilience of your business with an optimised supply chain and move up the value chain
  3. Product innovation that minimises environmental impact and positions your company as an industry leader in sustainability
  4. Increase competitive advantage with environmentally responsible practices and strengthen position in regional and global markets

LCA Awareness Course (One-Day Course)

Designed for interested parties and sustainability leaders from supply chain management, manufacturing, product design with a keen interest on basic knowledge of carbon footprinting through LCA.

  • Training Agenda

    1.Introduction to Life Cycle Assessment 

    2.Benefits of LCA to different stakeholders 

    3.Introduction of governing ISO standards; ISO 14000, 14040, 14044 and 14025 

    4.Global regulations and policies driving the needs of LCA 

    5.Introduction of LCA Structure covering:

    • Definition of Goal and Scope in LCA 

    • Data requirements and sources for building Life Cycle Inventory 

    • Types of environmental impact assessed and measurement methods 

    • Interpretation and usage of LCA results 

    • Case Study with exercise 

    6.Application of LCA tool (Case Study with exercise) 

LCA Internal Auditor Course (Three-Day Course)

Designed for sustainability practitioners and sustainability leaders from quality assurance, internal audit, product design, manufacturing and supply chain management interested to integrate LCA in decision-making processes.

  • Training Agenda

    Day One 

    1. Topics covered in LCA One-Day Course 


    Day Two  

    1. Application of Life Cycle Inventory Analysis 

    2. Application of Life Cycle Impact Assessment 

    3. Interpretation of Life Cycle Result of a Case Study 

    4. Project Presentation 


    Day Three 

    1. Overview of ISO14064-3 

    2. Methodology, process development, implementation and reporting 

    3. Application of ISO14064-3 on Life Cycle Impact Assessment 

    4. Interpretation of Life Cycle Result of a Case Study 

    5. Project Presentation 

About Our Trainers

Our trainers from Bureau Veritas and Global Green Connect have worked together to create a highly interactive training course based off their teaching experience for continuous education and training programs in local universities. Our trainers have extensive experience in applied LCA knowledge across industries and research institutes such as A*STAR and will be able to easily relate and support you in your challenges.

For course enquiries on date and pricing, please email

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Can we utilise Skills Future credits to offset the fees of these courses? 

    Answer: No, the courses are not covered under the Skills Future program. 

    If we go for the 3-Day Internal Auditor course, is there a need to attend the 1-Day Awareness course since the topics are covered on Day 1? 


    No, as the Internal Auditor (IA) course will cover all the topics taught in the Awareness course. Our IA course is more suitable for existing sustainability practitioners as the topics covered from Day 2 will be more technical and thus might not be suitable for individuals without prior background knowledge. Awareness course would be more suitable for designers (systems/projects) and purchasers to account for and report Scope 3 – Category 1 emissions. 

    Are we given hands-on practice on inventory analyses? What case study will be used?  


    Yes, there will be both theory and application. A variety of case studies focusing on products will be used. Though it may not be specific for your sector, the knowledge gained from all the principles taught can be transferred and applied in your daily work. 

    For Internal Auditor course, what is the purpose of ISO 14064-3 and how does it relate to other ISO standards taught in this course? 


    ISO14040 gives an introduction on the concept of an LCA and procedures whereas ISO14044 will deep dive into LCA procedures. ISO14025 gives the specification on the procedures to develop environmental declaration for product – environmental product declaration or most widely known as EPD. ISO14064-3 is the international standard used for practitioners to validate and verify GHG. 

    What does obtaining a cert of attainment for LCA Internal Auditor course means for our trainees? 


    Certificate of Attainment for IA course demonstrates that the trainees have undergone a systematic training to equip themselves with applied knowledge as an Internal Auditor for their company to verify and check on LCAs. On whether the trainee can be an Internal Auditor in their company, it will subject to their company’s internal qualification requirements.